
✓  Speaker: Congressional Black Caucus (Washington, DC) “Green Initiatives in Urban Communities”
✓ Keynote Speaker: Alabama State University (Montgomery, AL) “The Future of Business and Entrepreneurship”
✓ Keynote Speaker: Roland Park (Baltimore, MD) “Black History Month -Girls on Fire: Igniting the Passion Within You”
✓ Featured Speaker: YWCA “The Art of Journaling”
✓ Featured Speaker: Coretta Scott King School for Girls “Budding Entrepreneurs”
✓ Radio Interview: WAOK/V103
✓ TV Interview: CW Atlanta “The importance of bringing excitement back into literacy.”
✓ TV Interview: CW Atlanta “Green Awareness for Kids”
✓ Radio Interview: V103 Big Tigger Show
✓ TV Interview: ASPIRE Television Network “Emerging Business Women”
✓ Featured Speaker: Black & Latino Green Business Mixer at Phillips Arena